As I have learned that lots and lots of blogs review things. It can be a money making enterprise. Books, movies, products, whatever. I have already reviewed some things previously, including books and documentaries. But it occurred to me that maybe I ought to have some kind of formal policy. So here it goes:
1. I review things for free. No one pays me, and unless I am hired by a major publication to do so, no one will. I review things I want to read, view, or use, and my opinion is just that: my opinion. You may not agree with me, and that is ok.
2. If I am ever contacted to review a book, movie, or product, I will let you know upfront. Of course, that has never happened, but you never know. If I am contacted to review something, I will be honest as possible about it. If I don't like it, I will tell you. Cause hey, that's just how I roll.
3. Generally speaking, I will probably only review things I really, really like. The exception to that is something that I truly, honestly believe is a complete waste of time or money.