Tonight, the J-man and I attended a Family Fun Night for special needs kids at a local indoor park. Think McDonalds Playland without the french fries. J-man loves the place... and because all the families there were parents and children with special needs, it felt like a place we could be totally free. No one had any expectations, just complete open acceptance. How lovely for all these wonderful kids and their parents!
Anyhoo, at one point the J-man saw the candy machine and insistently signed "eat". I got him a few Skittles and we made our way to the seating area. He signed and said "candy" as he munched. One of the other parents seated next to us asked him his name. Of course, he didn't respond.
Then this man, in a friendly way, asked J-man to 'Give me five'.....
Jonathan high-fived a perfect stranger! And, to make it even better, he went on and did the "up high/down low" part. I didn't even know he KNEW that.
Isn't it just the little things ....?
As I was scanning the web to try and find someone with a similar story to mine, I came across your website. I have to say that your story mirrors mine almost to a tee. Just substitute the name "Joey" for "Jonathan" and the stories would be the same. Although I am about one year ahead of you, I can totally relate to all of your experiences. It is so refreshing to find someone going through the same. As much as we would like to not be "searching", it is good to find someone in the same boat. I can totally relate to all of the hardships you experience when seeing other kids the same age as your own. I have two older "NT" boys, so it has been different this time around. I do want to tell you that from age 3 - 4 we have seen such growth and progess with Joey. Although we have a lot of hurdles to overcome, we have seem so many signs of progess. I just wanted to relay this to you, as you are approaching age 3. Once the words come - and they will - it opens a whole new world. We were at the exact same place as you were approaching age 3, and now the language has been so explosive. I just wanted to let you know that there is so much hope and promise ahead for Jonathan. I, too, doubted we would get there with Joey - but we have. I wish you so much hope and happiness in the future and will continue to follow your journey. Thanks for putting down in words what so many of us are going through. It will get better and you will see much improvement. One small step at a time.
Thank you so much for your words! It is so nice to connect to other parents who are on thist strange and mysterous journey. I am very hopeful for this year. I really do see things exploding now... Fingers crossed
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