Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Good Energy

When I dropped J-man off at daycare this morning, I was once again struck at how truly lucky we are to have found Jack & Jill. 

At our last IEP meeting they had told us that they planned to drop the class size down a little bit this summer, and "advance" some of the older children to the next room.  In addition, they planned to move up a few new children from the Toddler room, changing the dynamic of the room significantly. They hoped that this change would be a positive one for J-man.  He kept his main teacher (Miss E), and a new teacher joined the room.  I had high hopes for summer, but concerns as well.

Ahhhh... those concerns are long gone.  The energy in the room is so much calmer and more peaceful, and J-man has gone from clinging, timid, and unenthusatic boy to one who smiles upon arrival at J&J, who greets his teachers with a kiss and a hug, who says "bye" to me easily, and who... by all accounts... is loving his class.  It has made me even more aware of how sensitive I think J-man is to a person's (or groups) energy.  I have seen it over and over again...  with the wrong energy, J-man turns off, turns away, and just avoids.  But with good energy...ah, he is a different boy. 

And that is what we have now at J&J.  Good energy.

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